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How can suspicious moles be recognised?

Malignant melanoma is the most common cancer between the ages of 15-34 with 1/3 of all cases occurring under the age of 50. Incidence is twice as high in the affluent areas and the rate projected to increase up to 2024.

The characteristics of melanoma are defined by the ABCDE rule and the Glasgow 7-point checklist. These are a useful guide, but may not identify early melanomas or atypical forms. Not all skin lesions with these characteristics are melanomas; many turn out to be harmless.


  • A for Asymmetry
  • B for irregular, Blurred or jagged Borders
  • C for Colour variation
  • D for Diameter larger than ¼ inch
  • E for Elevation especially when uneven

Glasgow 7-point checklist
Major features:
Change in size | Irregular Shape | Irregular Colour
Minor features:
Diameter > 7mm | Inflammation | Oozing | Change in sensation

Non melanoma skin cancers are much more common than melanoma. These usually present as growing skin lesions, that may be crusty, ulcerated or bleeding.